Thursday, July 26, 2012

"New Urbanism" Awesomeness in the City


So much of what makes San Francisco (and Marin) wonderful can be filed under "New Urbanism,"  which is quite often the resurrection of old urbanism, before cars took over the universe. Now of course, as a realtor, I have and use a car, but I'm also a pedestrian and cyclist and plant lover, and a big fan of making cities more livable. Cities around the world are revitalizing using these principles, and San Francisco is definitely on the vanguard.

Cycle Chic

Today's San Francisco examples: here and here. Copenhagen has been at this for decades.  Marin, while not quite urban, does have concentrated town centers, often surrounded by protected wildlands, more on Marin in another post.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why It's Chilly in San Francisco

Driving back from Tahoe on Sunday, I looked longingly at the cloud wall over our fair city, so happy to be heading into the cool fog. Once here though, I felt like in the Wizard of Oz, only in reverse, from color to black and white. Unloading the car in the freezing wind in my summer clothes I felt more compassion for the underdressed tourists I passed on the way off the bridge.Oh boy, time to layer up and find some socks and some hot tea.

Though I have lived with the fog phenomenon all my life, it never fails to shock me how quickly and dramatically the temperature can change. Thank heaven I had a t-shirt with me today, when my turtleneck sweater went from cozy to suffocating in about 5 minutes. KQED recently summed up the reasons for this, rather succinctly, but no matter how much I understand it, nor how familiar it becomes, it's still pretty nuts. Still, I'll take it over the heat elsewhere. and now, for the next twenty minutes at least, it's clear. and cool. Blessed be the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Walkability Trumps Square Footage

Some dear friends recently gifted me with a fit bit, which is a fancy pedometer. The process of tracking how many steps I take (goal is 10,000 daily steps) is surprisingly energizing. Walking in this city (and Marin's towns and parks) is so entertaining, and so much less stressful then driving. Plus I can eat freely in this place of unlimited good food choices. Even when I have to drive for work, I find myself enjoying parking a little further from my destination, so I'll rack up a few more steps. Ridiculous I know, but so invigorating. So today we revisit walkability


The National Association of Realtors Community Preference Survey concluded that most Americans now prefer a walkable neighborhood to a large house People are willing to pay more  for a location that allows them to walk or bike rather then drive everywhere.  San Francisco has recently been declared the "most walkable" city in the U.S.  Marin is pretty wonderful for walking too, and hiking.

P.S. Tomorrow is Sunday Streets in the Mission District, "a cost-effective way to improve the health of San Franciscans," as Mayor Ed Lee put it.  Plus way fun.