Monday, December 30, 2013

King Tides and Water Rationing!?

Last year around this time we discussed why it's great to look at real estate in winter, and during King Tides, so you can accurately assess the water level potentials on a property. This year, with no rain to speak of, the King Tides will still come through, but instead of floods we are looking at drought, prompting new water conservation orders for 2014. Snow surveys are scheduled for January 3rd.

San Francisco has a point of sale water conservation ordinance, which requires low flow toilets and shower heads and such be installed before close of escrow. Many people swap these out after the inspection, but now might be the time to swap them back in.

We have been through this before, and we know the drill. Gardeners, plant more drought tolerant species this year (natives!), and install a grey water system, if you haven't already. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth and any other time you're not using it. Pray for rain and bless the farmers. Spare the air and watch your sparks, and enjoy this fabulous weather (and "Super Moons") while exploring the King Tides. Happy New Year!

Berkeley Garden Coach

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