Friday, March 9, 2012

Build It Green - Water Conservation

Water Conservation Gardens Can Be So Beautiful
Continuing our 5 part series on the components of a green home, we come to the importance of water conservation. Given our winter that wasn't, it is easy to understand that we need to be mindful of our water consumption, since even in wet years, clean water is an increasingly precious resource.

Center for Sustainability

The good news is that conservation efforts can really make a difference.  Marin is fairly water conservation savvy, since they do not have San Francisco's  cheap for now water source.  That said, San Francisco is also working hard to increase water use efficiency. San Francisco real estate transactions can not go forward with out a mandatory water conservation inspection.  From the pie chart above you can see that if you make certain you have no leaks (well designed plumbing with good insulation is good too), and have an efficient washer, toilet and shower (not low flow but "high performance"), you have gone a long way towards minimizing your water use.

Regarding landscaping and gardening, in our Mediterranean climate, where we very rarely have rain between April and November, it makes sense to cluster plants that need more water, and ideally water them with grey water. The SFPUC is on board with water harvesting etc. as is the Marin Municipal Water District, which has a users guide  users guide to assessing your landscape with an eye to water use. There are many of sources of drought tolerant plants in the area. Here, here and here are a few, but a Google search will turn up lots more. The San Francisco Botanic Garden sales are another great source. Your favorite local nursery probably carries some as well, since water conservation is not a new story for our area.

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