Friday, August 19, 2011


Historic Bridges

Dear God I love maps. I have just realized that there is such a thing as a map nerd, and that it's possible I am one.

Unique Media

So many of the links in the column to the right are to maps, because I am obsessed with them, and also because if I were looking at real estate around the Golden Gate, I'd want to orient myself with as many different kinds of maps as I could get my hands on to help me determine my preferred location, before I purchase property.

Historic Maps Restored

Once I liked a specific property, I'd want to know if there is an old creek, or fill subject to liquifaction underneath it. I'd also be curious about multiple other relevant factors such as slope and topography, schools and grocery stores, restaurants and libraries, historic use, crime statistics etc etc etc. In this wonderful age of information there is likely to be a map detailing pretty much anything you want to know, at least about SF and Marin, given the number of technically savvy map nerds in the area.


I just came across (thanks, again, Curbed) this extremely cool crowd sourcing project, which reminded me of Rebecca Solnits premise that there is a temporal aspect to maps, and an infinite number of things to be mapped in both time and space.

San Francisco Public Library

Um, getting a little trippy here. I'll leave you to check out mappish links to the right, under Resources, More Resources and Parks and Wildlands, but beware of rabbit holes. "That's how it works. You say ‘hey, that's interesting,' and you start doing research online and suddenly its 4am" says John of the aforementioned crowd (map nerd) sourcing project.

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