Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Holiday time in the San Francisco microclimates

Poinsettia! Full grown! In the Mission! 

The cheerful resident said its been here at least 20 years.

Yes, those red "petals" are actually "bracts", the little yellow things are the flowers. 

You can use that little fact to impress people at your holiday gathering, tell them you got it from your microclimate nerd realtor.  Ooh, and here's a cool microclimate weather forecast, (whole Bay Area) and here's that great app (SF only) to help you dress in the morning.

And then there's these guys...

And on the west side of town, where these things will not grow...

Times are not easy and there is much suffering in the world. In lieu of more news about bidding battles I offer a little San Francisco Beauty as a tonic and as nutrition...  with my wishes for blessed holidays for all.

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