Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spring Winds A Blowing

North Wind Fables - Wikia

Personally, I find the wind wearysome. Must get up early before it blows if you want to get a good walk in, keep a shawl and layers handy everywhere you go. Ugh.

SJSU SF Bay Wind Patterns

I tell myself this heinous wind has it's place, even as I hide from it. It allows for upwelling that brings cold, nutrient rich waters to the surface, which is why we have such awesome and diverse marine life here. Also the wind keeps the air quality so fresh. 

Ocean Upwelling Boostdam

Spring is a little like winter, in that it's a good time to get a realistic sense of how windy it is at the property you are considering buying. When I lived in Sausalito you could walk three houses down and be in a completely different climate, and same is true in much of San Francisco and Marin. Also, the ocean gales can be a nice breeze in the hotter parts of Marin and San Francisco. I'm addicted to the ocean and must weather the gales, alas. Perhaps you are less so and can shop for property further inland, or find a special little microclimate withing the coastal zone.

Windy Golden Gate -

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