Whoops, here I am! Surfacing from the emotional roller coaster of writing offers, Giants World Series win, election, Sandy and Athena. Not boring, these times we are living in, that's for sure.
Hurricane Sandy has put my last couple of posts about water intrusion into perspective, and then there is the earthquake in Guatamala, and various other enormous challenges people are facing. Construction professionals will be very busy. So for today we give thanks that our housing and commercial buildings are intact, dry and functional, and send prayers and money to help those who are not so fortunate.
That said, the shadow side of the Bay Areas economic rebound is that competition for desirable properties is fierce. It remains an excellent time to buy (and a terrific time to sell), with the rental market also "hot hot hot", interest rates still at record lows, and prices moving up. Inventory continues to be especially low, and there is a lot of pent up buyer demand. Find a good realtor ( I can help you with that) and believe them when they tell you the time for low balling is long gone. Next post: game plan for success in this market, because all this interesting earth based real estate advice is nice, but home ownership requires actually getting in to escrow.
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